Behind the vine
Sabine David - Vulgo Ritter - Carinthia, Austria
When do you think you fell in love with wine, enough to make a career of it?
During some trips to various wine regions around the world, I began to question my career in mechanical engineering. The wine making started as a hobby first, but in my early 30s I decided to give it a serious try. I never wanted to look back at my life and question if it might have worked out.
What story does your wine tell?
My wines reflects the alpine region with it’s high mountains and deep lakes, hot but short summers, and cold and icy winters. Like our climate and the surroundings, my wine is allowed to have edges and is not produced or forced to please. Every vintage has its own character and will reflect the weather during the growth and maturation of the grapes.
“My wine is allowed to have edges and is not produced or forced to please.”
- Sabine David
What misconceptions about wine do you think people should forget?
There are a few!
White wine to white meat, red wine to red meat.
Sparkling wine is usable only for celebrations.
Only expensive wines are good.
What great things about wine do you think people should remember?
Behind every wine, there is a winemaker who had a vision for this wine and did his/her best to turn grapes into a wonderful wine. Winemaking is handicraft.
What advice would you give to a woman interested in breaking into the wine world?
Don’t listen to those who’ll tell you it won’t work. Believe in yourself and your project!
Who is a woman in wine you think everyone should know about?
I honestly admire Christina Hugl who has an incomparable obsession for sparkling wines- especially Pet Nat.
Where can women find your wine?
In our wine shop at our winery, our webshop, and at our partners. In the near future, we’ll be available in the US at Archetyp wines.