Behind the vine
Mee Godard - Domaine Mee Godard - Morgon, France
When do you think you fell in love with wine, enough to make a career of it?
It was step by step. I first discovered my real experience in wine when I tasted, it opened a door for me. I remember having a Bordeaux blend, and I remember my emotional state in drinking. I thought, OK wine can be really interesting. It made me rediscover what wine can be.
I studied in France and Oregon and worked on estates in Champagne, Burgundy, but I created this estate because I could not find a job which would make me evolve to have the level of accomplishment I wanted. This is about doing something in my life, for me.
What story does your wine tell?
I chose Beaujolais because it has all the characteristics that make me think I can create my estate: I love the wine, landscape is beautiful, and the atmosphere is a nice experience. You can find different expressions of the Gamay. Easy-drinking or serious.
What I want to make is long-ageing wine. I like structure and texture in mouth. It's my philosophy of work. Since the beginning.
“This is about doing something in my life, for me.”
— Mee Godard
What misconceptions about wine do you think people should forget?
That you have to say something clever about wine or else you are considered not as knowledgeable/you don't know what you're talking about. It can be intimidating at the beginning, when you first taste. It was the same for me, my family is not at all in the business. But even as a novice, don't be shy about breaking in. Even me, I make mistakes, but then you speak with friends and you talk about aromas, you correct yourself. It's great to be interested in the subject.
What great things about wine do you think people should remember?
For me, what makes the experience of tasting wine wonderful is when it helps you reach an emotional state. All wine can't give you this, so you'll have to taste lots within the ocean of wines to find it. I make the parallel with art - some drawings and art will bring you to an emotional state, but not all. But if you don't experience it, you will not know.
What is a piece of advice you would give to a woman interested in breaking into the wine world?
To be armed. Not to be shy. It demands a little bit of knowledge, so it's important to go, to volunteer. It's very hard to be in this world as a woman. So you need to be determined about what you want to do and what you're doing. For me, it's great to be in my own winery and do what I have to do alone. I don't have to justify everything.
Who is a woman that inspired you?
Mie Ikeno at Le Pas du Chat. Her story is incredible. She came and studied in France without speaking French in the beginning and has created her Domaine in Japan.
Arianna Occhipinti. Domaine Hauvette. Women who have strong personalities.
Where can women find your wine?
My wines are widely available, a full list of distributors for each country is here.