Behind the vine
Elena Pantaleoni - La Stoppa - Piacenza, Italy
When do you think you fell in love with wine, enough to make a career of it?
The first wines that captured me were the wines from my area here in Piacenza. Especially the ones made from Malvasia di Candia Aromatica that are slightly sparkling after refermenting in the bottle. We’d drink these in the afternoon with a great coppa sandwich in the local trattorie.
The winery was my family’s business. When I took over it was a slow transition and I slowly found my way to feel comfortable here.
What story does your wine tell?
Our wines tell the story of a group of people that care about this place. Through the bottles, we gladly share the identity that this terroir expresses as well the great pride we take in caring for it.
“We share the identity that this terroir expresses as well the great pride we take in caring for it.”
- Elena Pantaleoni
What misconceptions about wine do you think people should forget?
I think that we should lose the concept that wine is a commodity and not a food product. For me wine is part of every meal and a part of our culture.
What great things about wine do you think people should remember?
Wines should remind people of a sense of place, a sense of time, and an identity. We should always remember that wine is a ticket to conviviality. We open bottles to share.
What is a piece of advice you would give to a woman interested in breaking into the wine world?
Always stay open, curious, and don’t be afraid. You learn through experience, whether they be mistakes or not, everything is part of the journey and helps propel us forward.
Who is a woman in wine you admire and think everyone should know about?
I am very lucky to have some great friends that I admire and fortunately, more and more women are getting involved in winemaking daily. In Italy, I would say one should know about Elisabetta Foradori, Alessandra Bera, Arianna Occhipinti, Francesca Padovani. In France, there is Noella Morantin, Melanie Tarlant, Marie Lapierre… and the list goes on.
Where can women find your wine?
Our wines are mainly sold to wine shops, restaurants, and wine bars. They are found all around the world through various importers and distributors. List here.
If you are looking for our wines in the UK, we are imported by Les Caves de Pyrene, and available at different online shops like Parched and Buon Vino.